Xscapers Profiles: Joel & Amy

Xscapers Profiles: Joel & Amy 1

Who is with you? 

Joel and Amy plus Maxwell our 9 yr old cat #maxthervcat

Xscapers Profiles: Joel & Amy 2

How long have you been on the road?

Since the Fall of 2019, We have spent 3 winters in AZ.

Full-time or part-time?

We were part-time until Sept 2021 when we sold our Colorado home.

What kind of RV do you have?

2008 Newmar Kountry Star, #KennytheKountryStar is a Diesel Pusher and he pulls #firecrackerthejeep

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What got you interested in living the RV life? 

My Grandparents were RVers and I grew up going on summer trips with them as well as coming to AZ to visit them in the spring. Both of my parent’s RV as well as Joel’s. Joel’s dad passed away while they were full-time RVers. We have adopted a few traditions from him to carry on the legacy. 

How do you fund your travels?

We both work the remote jobs we had before we left. We now also have rental income. 

What is your camping style? 

We have been RV park type RVers for the winter and Mountain off-grid type RVers in the summer but since we have Solar that is changing as well. I do love a pool and hot tub so those RV parks will still be in the mix. 

What do you seek out when traveling? 

We follow the weather. We pick our destinations by a few different things; bucket list items, family, friends, revisiting places we fell in love with while on the road. 

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Favorite experience so far?

Oh, that is a tough one. I am terrible at favorites. Probably Hurricane, UT. Zion, Bryce, North Rim of the Grand Canyon, and Sand Hollow are all right there.

Worst experience so far?

The rig breaking down on I-70 with everything we own and no cell service. 

How many convergences have you attended?

Salida 2019, Bash 2020, and Bash 2022. We had 4 planned for 2021, including the cruise to Alaska 🙁

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Introvert or extrovert? 

Both, I am an extrovert, and Joel is an Introvert. I also reach an overwhelming point where I am an Introvert and I usually put Joel in situations where he becomes an extrovert. 

Tell us something weird about yourself?

I am an only child but I have 4 brothers and sisters.  I have a stepbrother, half-brother, step-sister, and half-sister. I was an only child until I was 12. 

Joel is from Chicago, grew up with no air conditioning, and can’t stand humidity. 

Would you rather deal with a leaky sewer hose or a flat tire on the RV?

Leaky sewer hose just because our tires are massive and we can’t change it ourselves. 

Do you have any advice for others?

Go slow, take your time, SEIZE THE DAY!

Where can people find you online if they want to follow your travels?

SeizeTheDaydream on the socials: Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, YouTube shorts, Snapchat, Seizethedaydream.net, and seizethedaydream@gmail.com.

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Xscapers Profiles: Joel & Amy 6

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