Xscapers Profiles – Sky Renfro

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Who Is Traveling With You?

We are a nomad Dad and Lad.  Most of the time it is just the 2 of us but from time to time we are thrilled to have Dad #2 join us for a few days of shenanigans.

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Lad and Dad

How Long Have You Been On The Road?

That is hard to answer as there are so many different time periods.  I come from a long line of wanderers who are forever searching for new adventures.  I am one of those who first saw the country on my own in my late teens and early 20’s by way of my thumb, then in my 30’s and 40’s by motorcycle, then a cab over camper on the pickup and then finally with my house on wheels. Been hauling the Wee Packum Inn around for 16 years.

Are You Full-Time or Part-Time?

There have been breaks here and there, but I tend to reference my cumulative time traveling as “in September of this year I began the 18th year of my one-year road trip”.

What Kind of RV Do You Have?

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22-foot Nomad Travel Trailer.

What Got You Interested In Living The RV Life?

As a kid our family was always car camping, road tripping and in general exploring new places.  My parents were RVing into their 80’s and only stopped when my Dad passed away.

How Do You Fund Your Travels?

For years I combined my travels with a business I owned that did health and safety consulting in the world of infectious diseases.  These days, I use that knowledge to do online work for some of those same clients either teaching or document production/review.  I also use my medical knowledge for case review for attorneys.  However, as my son is now a teen, we are thinking of taking on some physical assignments at campgrounds or theme parks for a few months.

What Is Your Camping Style?

We are not resort type folks and honestly with a rig that is older than some of the people who work in those resorts we likely would not be welcome anyway.  We love boondocking the most, with some state parks and other campgrounds tossed in the mix.  It really is about community more than it is about amenity.  Our travel style will vary based on how quickly we want to get from one place to another.  In general, though, I don’t like to drive more than about 300 miles a day and 3 travel days in a row is enough for me.  What’s the point of traveling if you don’t stop for at least a couple of days to see what is around?

What Do You Seek Out When Traveling?

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Lad Playing at 2019 Escapade

Yes… hahah.  I am the consummate Gemini and have so many interests of my own. Couple that with a teenager and there are literally no boundaries as to what interests us.

What Has Been Your Favorite Experience So Far?

The ever-changing landscape of who to travel with, who to meet up with, who to plan things with.  Over the years the demographic of road dwellers has vastly changed and being able to find like-minded others to share this with has by far been my favorite experience.   

What Has Been The Hardest Aspect For You While Traveling?

Somedays being the only adult to do “all the everything” has been challenging.

How Many Xscapers Convergences Have You Attended?

Hmm, the launch of Xscapers, the first Annual Bash…although for only a day, and then AB 2019 in Lake Havasu.

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2019 Annual Bash

Are You an Introvert or Extrovert?

This one is tough…. Again ….the Gemini thing.  Situationally I can be either.  I am very social and not shy, but often I am very introverted with my thoughts and totally enjoy my own company often.

Tell Us Something Weird or Fun About Yourself.

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Fun thing…. I am the third “X” tattoo right behind Mel and Travis and before there was a “first 10”.  There is a story… feel free to ask….hahah.   Weird thing….at one time I sang semiprofessional opera. 

Would You Rather Deal With A Leaky Sewer Hose Or A Flat Tire On Your RV?

Leaky sewer hose ANY day.    Gloves and duct tape for the win!!

Do You Have Any Advice For Others? What Is The Best Piece Of Advice You’ve Received?

For others… be kind, be grateful and create community wherever you are.

Advice I received… work hard, play relentlessly.

Where Can People Find You If They Want To Follow Your Travels?

We are on FB and IG as NomadLadz.  However, I am a total slacker and although I have the names and spaces, I have done little to nothing to create a presence.  The vision was really to have my son create a platform to share with other kids, but he is just as much a slacker as I am so there is nothing to see.  Anyone want to offer suggestions, ideas or guidance? 

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