RV Tire Speed Limits

RV Tire Speed Limits

RV Tire Speed Limits

Who would think that tires have a speed limit?

“The best way to find the speed limit for your tires is to use the tire  manufacturer’s load inflation charts.”

For most tires on motorhomes, the maximum speed limit is 75 mph. For fifth-wheels and travel trailers, the speed rating could be as low as 60 to 65 mph. If you exceed the speed rating of a tire, it will not explode; however, maintaining a higher speed for a long distance can cause heat buildup. This can damage the tire.

Factors that can affect a tire’s speed rating include tire inflation, vehicle alignment, duration that the tire is driven in excess of the rated speed and driving conditions. If a tire has been damaged or run while under-inflated, overloaded or has been repaired, the manufacturer speed ratings will not apply and the speed rating will be lower. The best way to find the speed limit for your tires is to use the tire manufacturer’s load inflation charts. Not only will these charts tell you the speed rating for the tire, it will also show you the inflation pressure for the load that the tires are carrying.

Tire Speed Limits

If you are unsure of how much weight your tires are carrying, make an appointment and visit an Escapees SmartWeigh weighing location.


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Remember, an RV is not a race car and shouldn’t be driven like one. Driving at a slower pace is safer, saves wear and tear on your tires, reduces fuel use, and allows you to enjoy the scenic beauty of your RV travels.

Jim Koca


Jim Koca

Jim is the Education Director for Escapees RV Club. He is a retired law enforcement officer with over 42 years of service and specialized in accident reconstruction. This dealt with weight and tires issues of vehicles involved in collisions. Jim and his wife Lisa are fulltime RVers and work out of their RV.

They travel the country and instruct RVers Boot Camp for Escapees RV Club. In addition Jim is the administrator for RVers On-Line University, developing courses for the program.

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RV Tire Speed Limits 1

2 Responses

  1. Since 5th wheels make up a large segment of the RV industry why not list speeds for 16” and 17.5” tires.

  2. I am looking to buy new tires for my 5th wheel. I have g rated tires now and that’s what the manufacturer recommends. Looking on the internet I was that g rated tires have a max speed of 56 mph and I would like to drive between 60 and 65 mph. Do I need to go to a H rated tire?

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