Weight and Safety Tip | Hiding Your Valuables

Weight and Safety Tip | Hiding Your Valuables

By Jim Koca #86367, Escapees RVers’ Boot Camp Instructor

As we travel across the country, we hope that our RV never gets burglarized or, as my friend Richard would say, burgled.

So the question is: Where do you hide your valuables in the RV? One solution for small items or jewelry is can safes or hide-a-cans. These small safes are a way to hide your valuables in plain sight. These hide-a cans came to my attention while I was working as a policeman in Texas. While executing a search warrant for contraband, the confidential informant said the items we were looking for were inside an A&W Root Beer can in the refrigerator. A K-9 was brought into the house and went to the refrigerator and alerted. After opening the door, the dog alerted on the A&W Root Beer can on the bottom shelf. After unscrewing the lid, we found the contraband that we were looking for as listed in the search warrant. These diversion safes look exactly like the real product. They have a seamless, screw-off lid on the top or bottom, allowing you to conceal your valuables in the container. These cans are ideal to hide items throughout your RV.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Hide-a-Can.pngThey come in different brands and sizes, such as the A&W Root Beer can, Dr. Pepper cans, Del Monte vegetable cans or shaving cream cans. For larger items, there are tee shirts that hang in your closet that will hide your valuables. This is a novel idea, and all RVers carry items like these in their rigs all the time.

The hide-a-cans can be purchased from the Container Store or bought online. Type in “hide-a-cans” in your favorite search engine, and there are numerous Websites that sell these items. Sometimes the best place to hide your valuables is in plain sight. 



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