Omnia Stovetop Oven


It seems like conventional ovens have pretty much disappeared from RVs. Yes, you can have a convection microwave or a counter-top oven, but they all require electricity to operate and take up a lot of space

Years ago, I removed my old RV oven and converted the space into a cabinet for storage and put in a 2-burner gas cooktop. It does the job, but sometimes you want to bake some biscuits or a casserole, and there’s just no way to do it without an oven. Or, is there?

My buddy, Sky Renfro #78690, recently discovered an intriguing gadget, the Omnia Oven.

Made in Sweden, it’s quite simply an oven that is designed to bake on any type of burner: gas, electric, kerosene, camp stove and even on a grill. It’s great for boondocking! (Note: does not work on induction cooktops)

It’s compact, easy to use and easy to clean. In fact, the concept and engineering behind it are outstanding and, with a few accessories, such as silicone baking pans and racks, the sky’s the limit!

I contacted the folks at Omnia, and they kindly sent me the complete Omnia mega kit.

This includes the oven, a couple of silicone baking pans and a wire rack that fits inside the doughnut-shaped oven, and a neat carrying/storage case that everything fits into nicely. I also received an apron, some potholders and a trivet, the optional thermometer, an insulated carrying case for transporting the oven with hot food inside, foil pans and a cookbook. Wow!

OK, so it’s nifty and well accessorized, but can it cook? Oh, Yeah! I did a quick skim through the instructions and grabbed a can of Pillsbury Grands biscuits out of the fridge. In the RV kitchen, I preheated the oven on the stovetop for a few minutes, put a piece of parchment paper on the rack and placed six biscuits around the circular cooking area. About 15 minutes later, I had yummy hot biscuits! I can’t wait to try some of my favorite casserole recipes and potato dishes in this thing. Oh, and baked potatoes! Sure, you can microwave them, but I think they are just better when cooked in an oven.

Product Name: Omnia Stovetop Oven

Company Name and Info: Koala Marketing Company, AB Fersens väg 9, SE-211 42 Malmö. ,

Online Shopping Links: Superkit

Average Street Price: $75-$250

Additional Information: USA resellers include Amazon, Camping World, and Talus Expedition Gear

Original Publication Date: January 2023

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Mark Nemeth
Mark travels in a small class-C and has made numerous modifications to his RV to enable him to boondock more easily. He’s not saying he’s an expert, or the primary source for boondocking information, but he’s done it for a number of years and is happy to share some things that he’s learned the hard way.