Gripstic® Bag Sealers

Mark Nemeth-profile-image
Mark Nemeth
May 1, 2024
Gripstic® Bag Sealers

In many RVs, drawer space is limited, so if you have a bunch of bag clips filling one of your precious drawers, I have a solution: GRIPSTICs. These are slide-on bag sealers that do a superior job of sealing just about any kind of bag. Easy to use, and they take up less storage space than those silly bag clips. Check them out at

According to the manufacturer, “The GRIPSTIC is the best bag sealing device ever made! Much better than chip clips or bag clips. Our patented slide and seal technology locks in freshness by sealing the entire bag air tight. Locking out air and moisture is the best way to prevent your potato chips, pretzels, snacks or cereal from going stale. They are great to keep your produce fresh longer and these are also safe to use in the freezer to prevent freezer burn on your food. Ranked number one among consumers, The gripstic bag sealers are a must-have kitchen gadget! Eliminate kitchen clutter and keep your pantry neat and organized. The original GRIPSTIC is compact, easy to use and easy to store.”

Yes, they really do work! I have tossed all my old bag clips and use these ingenious things on all my various bags, and everything stays fresh a lot longer! To save even more drawer space, I picked up some inexpen­sive wall-mount remote control holders and mounted them on the inside of cabinet doors. Each one will hold up to 14 GRIPSTICs and keep them out of my way until I need one. This is the holder I ordered on Amazon, but you can find them just about anywhere. They work great for TV remotes as well!

Complete Product Name: Gripstic Bag Clips

Company Name and Info: Gripstic®, First 2 Market Products Inc.

Online Shopping Link

Average Street Price: A starter 12 pack of assorted lengths is around $25

Original Publication Date: MJ/24

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Mark Nemeth
Mark travels in a small class-C and has made numerous modifications to his RV to enable him to boondock more easily. He’s not saying he’s an expert, or the primary source for boondocking information, but he’s done it for a number of years and is happy to share some things that he’s learned the hard way.