In 1998, at the brink of Escapees 20th year anniversary, a new branch of service begins. Perhaps the most important role it would ever play springs to life. After a 20-year policy to remain non-religious and non-political, Escapees RV Club determines that if they don’t take the lead in protecting full-time RVers rights, no one would.
Adversity is not an easy contender. As a club, we’ve stood toe to toe with our adversaries in court, unrelenting in our pursuit to protect full-time RVers’ right to vote. As an industry, we’ve continued to withstand the repercussions of a strong economy suddenly gone limp. As a nation, we felt the shiver of evil but have not allowed it to cripple our democracy. All of these challenges have simply forced us to grow stronger. We must continue to persevere. We must dedicate time, energy and resources to help educate our government about people who live the RV lifestyle, so that when laws and statutes are written, these special kind of people are not unfairly hampered. We must be willing to share our lifestyle with others so that the quality living it offers does not die a secret inexperienced by our grandchildren and future generations. We must be careful that our government, in an earnest attempt to protect us, doesn’t strip away the very liberties that make us a free nation.
Cathie Carr (November 2002) SKP# 3
Escapees RV Club has many ways of addressing advocacy for all RVers
Past Advocacy Victories
Defending Full-Time RVers’ Right to Vote
Protecting full-time RVers’ right to vote was the most challenging, yet rewarding, advocacy role Escapees has achieved to date. It took two long years of courtroom battles that nearly landed on the steps of the Supreme Court, but in the end, 10,000 full-time RVers retained their right to vote.
Battling Unfair RV-Specific Taxes
While Escapees has been victorious in its many critical battles to protect the constitutional rights of RVers, an endless stream of laws and regulations continue to surface. A prime example is an ad valorem tax which significantly impacts travel trailer owners in Texas and other legislation across the states that target RVers unfairly.
Eliminating Discriminatory Driver License Regulations
While the average citizen takes a driver license for granted, full-time RVers can encounter unexpected obstacles when regulatory changes take place. Since driver licenses are commonly used as an acceptable form of identification across the United States, laws regulating the issuance of a driver license are interconnected with other regulatory agencies and various legal components can adversely affect full-time RVers unintentionally.
Battling Adverse Motor Vehicle Laws for Full-Time RVers
Great victories can be accomplished when RVers, dealers, manufacturers and associations work together toward a common goal. When it comes to legislative bills that affect motor vehicles across the nation, industry unity is key.
Special Attention Needed on Homeland Security
Terminology used in legislation and law can be unintentionally detrimental for full-time RVers. Escapees RV Club tries hard to monitor phrases like “legal residency,” “fixed dwellings,” “physical locations,” and these simple little words can have disastrous consequences.
Battling Unfair Federal and State Regulations for Full-Time RVers
Full-time RVers, due to their unique lifestyle, are often overlooked or not considered during the creation of laws, regulations, and policies. As such, major obstacles can unintentionally arise that unfairly impede RVers. Escapees continually works to educate officials on the nuances of the RV lifestyle while fighting for solutions so that they do not inadvertently affect RVers.
Protecting Overnight Parking Options
Protecting RVers’ right to park overnight in places other than commercial campgrounds has been a major advocacy focus for the past 20 years, and is ongoing still. To achieve an industry -accepted compromise between campground owners, consumers, and city/county/state regulations, Escapees created the “Good Neighbor Policy” which is now sanctioned by 35 RV clubs and industry organizations.
Defeating Discriminatory U.S.P.S. Mandates
When the United States Postal Service announced new regulations that would require all incoming mail for customers using a mail-forwarding service use a new insignia “PMB” (which stands for “private mail box”) in addition to the requirement that the PMBs be written on a separate line (using a mandatory 4-line format), as well as other discriminatory regulations, Escapees quickly rallied support to rescind those stringent requirements.
Assisting With Satellite Services for Traveling RVers
Many full-time RVers depend on satellite TV to get their news and entertainment. FCC regulations are enacted that hamper RV and mobile customers. Escapees contacted the major satellite providers and special waivers are accepted with certain limitations.
Weighing in on Various Parks and Recreation Bills
Some bills are controversial in nature. Escapees RV Club is careful not to speak on behalf of its members unless there is a clear majority of support. In certain instances, reports are merely informational, in other cases, our voice is strong and clear.
Industry Coalitions Established to Safeguard RVers
No one should ever have to choose between living the RV lifestyle or giving up their civil liberties. Defending, protecting and securing legislation that preserves RVers’ rights is our ultimate aim. We also feel it beneficial to work with industry leaders to promote the well-being of RVers in general.