Escapees RV Club’s 62nd Escapade Kicks Off Celebration of the Club’s 45th Anniversary 1

Escapees RV Club’s 62nd Escapade Kicks Off Celebration of the Club’s 45th Anniversary

TUCSON, Arizona- March 2023

Escapees RV Club’s annual RV rally, Escapade, kicked off Sunday, March 19 with a big celebration of the club’s 45th anniversary. Nearly 1500 of the club’s members have taken over Pima County Fairgrounds in Tucson, Arizona for this five-day event.

During Sunday’s opening ceremony, Escapade Director Jean Mathes, shared a heartfelt welcome of “whether you’re a first timer or an old timer, we’re happy you’re here!” Sunday’s First Timers Social was clear evidence of this as hundreds of Escapees gathered together to welcome first-time attendees, answering questions, offering advice, and otherwise sharing their enthusiasm for Escapade and Escapees RV Club.

While approximately half of attendees are enjoying their first Escapade, there are many members who return year after year. Lou Schneider, a long-time Escapade volunteer staff member, is proud of his attendance streak with this year marking his 27th consecutive Escapade. When asked what keeps him coming back to Escapade year after year, Schneider states “Escapees gives me a comfortable retirement. My home base is in the Pahrump [SKP] Co-op, and because I’m not spending a lot for that, I can go out and travel. So, I don’t mind giving back a month or two a year in appreciation for what I get from Escapees.”

To further celebrate the club’s 45 years of supporting the RVing community, attendees are encouraged to take a literal walk down Memory Lane. This is an exhibit filled with photos and plaques marking many of the club’s milestones over the last four and a half decades, honoring the dedication of the club’s members and leadership to building a strong and supportive community for RVers.

Though Memory Lane is filled with meaningful moments, one that particularly stands out is the 2015 launch of Xscapers, a lifestyle group of Escapees members that is focused on the needs of working-aged RVers. This rapidly-growing segment of Escapees celebrated it’s 8th anniversary earlier this month and represents more than 30% of this year’s Escapade attendees. Xscapers contributed to Sunday’s celebrations by hosting a “silent disco” following a performance from Few Miles South. This unique dance party offered attendees specialized headphones that were synced to a main sound system, allowing them to enjoy and dance to music without disturbing RVers parked nearby.

Escapade continues through Thursday, March 23, with a free Community Day on Wednesday the 22nd. Daily walk-in tickets for Tuesday and Thursday are available and give ticket holders access to all the activities taking place, including educational seminars, socials, the marketplace, and live entertainment each evening. For more information on Escapade seminars, activities, and tickets, visit

Escapees RV Club’s 62nd Escapade Kicks Off Celebration of the Club’s 45th Anniversary 2

Jean and Duane Mathes take the stage to welcome 1300-1500 attendees to the 62nd Escapade in Tucson, Arizona. Photo credit: Heather Delaney

Escapees RV Club’s 62nd Escapade Kicks Off Celebration of the Club’s 45th Anniversary 3

More than 1300 Escapees members gathered at the Pima County Fairgrounds in Tucson, Arizona to kick off the 62nd Escapade and celebrate the club’s 45th anniversary.

Escapees RV Club’s 62nd Escapade Kicks Off Celebration of the Club’s 45th Anniversary 4

First-time Escapade attendees came together for a social following Sunday’s opening ceremony. This gathering offered ice-breaker games, snacks, and conversation to help first-timers get acquainted with the event and their fellow attendees