Birds-of-a-Feather (BOFs) 2

Member-led Groups Centered Around a Shared Lifestyle Interest.

Escapees Birds Of A Feather (BOFs)

Escapees BOF groups share lifestyle interests such as boondocking, working on the road, disaster relief, biking and hiking, boomers, amateur radio, pet lovers, solos, and quilters, just to name a few! Expand your talents and share your knowledge. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you are welcome. Join a BOF!

Most BOFs have a newsletter to help their members keep in touch with each other. Some BOFs meet in person only at Escapades, while others also hold rallies between Escapades. There is no charge to join a BOF, although most require a small fee to receive their newsletter if they publish one. Certified groups (C-BOFs) are larger, have officers and generally require a minimal fee to join.

If there isn’t a BOF focused on your special interest, it’s easy to start one. Log into your My SKP account to review the guidelines and connect with our community director.

Already an Escapees RV Club Member?

Already an Escapees RV Club member? To join any of these BOF groups, log into your My SKP account where you’ll find contact information for each BOF!

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